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About our Research School

The IMPRS-QDC is hosted by Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (MPI-PKS) and focuses on the dynamical manipulation of quantum systems. Follow this link to find out more »

Research groups in biological physics at MPI-PKS are affiliated with the IMPRS-CellDevoSys, hosted by MPI-CBG. Follow this external link to find out more »


23 October 2024, 03:30 PM (SR 4)

IMPRS Seminar

Michel Fruchart (ESPCI & PSL University)

Talk: Pattern formation by turbulent cascades

Pawel Matus (MPI-PKS)

Talk:  Modelling odd transport

More seminars ...


IMPRS Retreat

Our IMPRS retreat will take place in Meissen, Germany, from 30 September - 2 October 2024.





Congratulations to our students who successfully defended their PhD theses:

  • Yingying Zhang (TU Dresden)
  • Tsai-Jung Liu (TU Dresden)
  • Yulong Qiao (TU Dresden)
  • Benjamin Rabe (MPI-PKS)
  • Maximilian Kieler (TU Dresden)

Welcome to the website of the International Max Planck Research School for "Quantum Dynamics and Control", a graduate school funded by the Max Planck Society.

The school is a collaboration between several partner institutions in Dresden, Prague and Wroclaw offering PhD studentships in a variety of fields in atomic, molecular and laser physics, condensed matter physics and chemistry - primarily in theoretical and computational research - tied together by the common theme of the dynamical manipulation of quantum systems. Applications, which are received biannually, are open to talented and motivated students regardless of nationality.

On these pages you may find further information about the PhD projects we offer, the investigators affiliated with the school and the varied opportunities made available to our students over the course of the PhD programme.