
Seminar held at MPI-PKS (Nöthnitzer Str. 38).

A talk (20+10min) given by an IMPRS student and an invited talk (45+15min) given by an external speaker.

2024-September 11

Mariano Bonifacio (MPI-PKS)

Laser-Painted Cavity-Mediated Interactions in a 1D and 2D Quantum Gas

Prof. Tobias Donner (ETH Zurich)

Engineering of many-body states in a driven-dissipative cavity QED system


Jan Postulka (UCT Prague)

Creation and Reactivity of Hydrogen Peroxide on Water Surfaces: Pushing the Capabilities of Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics

Dr. Germán Molpeceres de Diego (IFF-CSIC, Madrid)

Astrochemistry, a playground for computational chemistry


Shuwei Liu (MPIPKS)

Topological skyrmion semimetals

Prof. Anne Nielsen (Aarhus University)

Topology in new settings


Maximilian Kieler (TU Dresden)

Eigenstate entanglement in chaotic bipartite systems

Prof.  Juan-Diego Urbina (University of Regensburg)

The periodic orbit theory of spectral correlations: from mesoscopic Physics to quantum gravity - (an attempt for) a personal overview


Michal Belina (UCT Prague)

Tracing the fastest chemical reactions with X-ray photons: Focusing on proton transfer

Prof.  Benjamin Levine (Stony Brook University)

Connecting Ultrafast Spectra to Ultrafast Dynamics


Benjamin Rabe (MPI-PKS)

Diabatization via Gaussian Process Regression

Prof.  Albert Bartok-Partay (University of Warwick)

Fitting interatomic potentials from big data using Gaussian process regression

2024-Feb- 28

Udita Shukla (University of Wroclaw)

Effect of color superconductivity on mass-radius of neutron stars and dense matter

Dr. Michael Buballa (TU Darmstadt)

Exotic phases in dense QCD


Victor Cruses Chamoro (IOCB Prague)

Artificial Intelligence For Developing Empirical Potentials

Prof. Dr.  Christoph Dellago (University of Vienna)

Finding the needle in the haystack: machine learning for rare event simulations


Kryštof Březina (Charles University)

Ab initio and path integral molecular dynamics methodology for hydrogen-bonded systems in the condensed phase

Dr. Mariana Rossi (MPI for the structure and dynamics of matter)

Nuclear Quantum Effects in H-bonded Systems


Puja Singhvi (TU Dresden)

Computational Analysis of Crystal Structure and Optoelectronic Properties of Porphyrin and Phthalocyanine-based SURMOFs

Prof. Dr. Christof Wöll (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))

A Rational Strategy to Assemble Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines into Crystalline Arrays: The SURMOF Approach


Nikolaos Stefanidis (MPI-PKS)

Excitonic Laughlin states in ideal topological insulator bands and MATBG

Prof. Dr. Bogdan Bernevig (Princeton University)

Interactions and Topology in Materials with Flat Bands: Superconductivity, Magnetism, and Fractional Chern Insulators


Yingying Zhang (TU Dresden)

Improving Understanding of COFs Structure for Precise Theoretical Characterization

Prof. Dr. Enrique Cánovas Díaz (IMDEA Nanoscience institute, Madrid)

Non-contact electrical characterization of 2D MOFs and COFs by time resolved THz spectroscop

For seminars from previous academic years, see our former seminars page.