Participating groups and their research interests
At the MPI-PKS:
- Finite Systems Division (Prof. JM Rost, Prof. U Saalmann)
- Semi-classical description of excitation and fragmentation of atoms, molecules and clusters
- Dynamics of ultra-cold gases and plasmas
- Interaction of matter with intense laser radiation
- Coherent diffractive imaging with novel Xray machines
- Quantum information theory and entanglement
- Condensed Matter Division (Prof. R Moessner)
- Order, disorder and topology in condensed matter (magnetism, superconductivity, quantum Hall physics)
- Numerical algorithm development
- Non-equilibrium quantum dynamics
- Quantum Aggregates (Dr. A Eisfeld)
- Energy transfer in Photosynthesis
- Self-assembled molecular aggregates
- Stochastic Schrödinger equations for open systems
- Mixed quantum-classical methods
- Nano-electro-mechanical devicess
- Correlations and Transport in Rydberg Matter (Dr. M Eiles)
- Transport, localization, and correlation in interacting Rydberg atoms and molecules
- Quantum scar states in single-particle and many-body systems
- External control and manipulation of Rydberg molecules
- Functional Quantum Matter (Dr. Libor Šmejkal)
- Unconventional magnets, i.e. altermagnets
- Topological materials
- Spintronic systems and quantum phases that arise from strong correlations and quantum coherence
Correlations and Topology (Dr. AM Cook)
- Martingale topological phases of matter
- Three-dimensional topological Skyrmion phases of matter
- Generalized superexchange theory of anions with non-negligible spin-orbit coupling
- Nonequilibrium Quantum Dynamics (Dr. M Bukov)
- Nonequilibrium dynamics
- Quantum engineering
- Equilibration and thermalization of nonequilibrium quantum systems
- Control and manipulation of nonequilibrium quantum many-body states
- Machine learning techniques in quantum many-body dynamics
- Superconductivity and Magnetic Correlations (Dr. A Wietek)
- Strongly correlated superconductors
- Frustrated magnetism
- Exotic states of matter
- Quantum spin liquids
- Thermal transport
- Tensor network algorithms
- High-performance computing for quantum many-body systems
- Dynamics of Quantum Information (Dr. P Claeys)
- Entanglement dynamics in hybrid quantum circuits
- Exactly solvable models of chaotic quantum many-body dynamics
- Geometric probes of chaos and nonergodicity in quantum circuits
- Quantum control algorithms for noisy quantum computers
At the IFW Dresden:
- Experimental Physics (Prof. B Büchner)
- Strongly correlated electron systems
- Unconventional superconductivity and magnetism including iron based superconductors and high Tc cuprates
- Novel materials: transition metal oxides, lanthanides, molecular nanostructures and molecular magnets
At the TU Dresden:
- Theoretical Chemistry (Prof. T Heine)
- DFT Method Development
- Metal-organic frameworks
- Proton transfer reactions in soft matter
- Ultrathin materials
- Hydrogen storage in graphene-based nanostructures
- Molybdenum disulfide monolayers and nanotubes
- Computational Physics (Prof. R Ketzmerick, Prof. A Bäcker)
- Quantum signatures of regular and chaotic dynamics
- Chaos in higher-dimensional systems
- Structure of eigenfunctions in open systems
- Tunneling in systems with a mixed phase space
- Quantum Many-Body Theory (Prof. JC Budich)
- Topological phases of quantum matter
- Non-equilibrium dynamics and dissipation in quantum many-body systems
- Ultracold atomic gases
- Strongly correlated systems
- Theoretical Quantum Optics (Prof. W Strunz)
- Open quantum systems and decoherence
- Non-Markovian quantum processes
- Counting statistics and quantum transport
- Theoretical Atomic and Molecular Physics (Prof. F Großmann)
- Initial value representation of time-dependent semiclassical quantum dynamics
- Semiclassical description of decoherence and dissipation in open quantum systems
- Atoms, molecules and electrons in solids under the influence of extreme laser fields
- Materials Science and Nanotechnology (Prof. G Cuniberti)
- Bioelectronics: dissipative quantum transport in the presence of internal disorder, molecular vibrations and buffer solution
- Mesoscopic physics: contact effects, noise, spin injection, Andreev reflection, weak and strong localization, quantum Hall effect
- Molecular electronics: inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy, Coulomb blockade, coherent transport of charge and spin
- Collective Dynamics (Dr. M Haque)
- Dynamics of Quantum Gases
- Thermalization of isolated quantum systems
- Open-system dynamics and non-hermitian spectra
At the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Prague:
- Computational Chemistry (Prof. P Jungwirth)
- Molecular simulations of ions at aqueous interfaces, including interactions of ions with proteins and membranes
- Chemistry of aqueous aerosols, structure and dynamics of solvated electrons
At the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague:
- Theoretical Photodynamics (Prof. P Slavicek)
- Theoretical spectroscopy and dynamics in the condensed phase
- Ab initio classical and quantum simulations of photoinduced processes
- Electron transfer processes in chemistry
- Nuclear quantum effects
At the Charles University, Prague:
- Quantum Chemistry (Prof. O Marsalek)
- Ab initio molecular dynamics of liquid solutions
- Nuclear quantum effects and path integral molecular dynamics methodology
- Hydrogen bonding and charge defects in the condensed phase
- Modelling time-resolved vibrational spectroscopy
At the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Wrocław:
- Division of Condensed Matter Theory (Prof. T Zaleski)
- Unconventional superconductivity and strongly correlated electrons
- Theory of phase transitions and magnetism
- Electronic structure
- Ultracold atoms in optical lattices
At the University of Wrocław:
- Elementary Particle Theory (Prof. D Blaschke, Prof. A Sedrakian)
- The physics of ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions
- The physics of compact stars and supernovae
- Kinetics of particle production in strong fields
- Relativistic hydrodynamics and transport in complex systems
- Superconductivity/ Superfluidity in strongly correlated systems (Prof. D Blaschke, Prof. A Sedrakian)
- Mott transition and BEC/BCS crossover
At the Wrocław University of Science and Technology:
- Theoretical Physics (Prof. P Surówka)
- Effective field theory
- Hydrodynamics and transport in semi-metals
- Active matter and odd elasticity
At the University of Leipzig:
- Fractionalization and Topology in Quantum Matter (Prof. I Sodemann)
- Fractional quantum Hall systems
- Graphene and topological insulators
- Unconventional spin and charge transport