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Former IMPRS Schools and Workshops

IMPRS Summer School 2023: Vila Lanna, Prague, July 24-26, 2023

The summer school lecture topics and lecturers are:

  • Minimal coupling and different gauges in laser-matter interaction (Frank Grossmann, TU Dresden, Germany)
  • From Rabi oscillations to counterdiabatic driving: the two-level paradigm (Frank Grossmann, TU Dresden, Germany)
  • Need for speed: how to get the shortest trigger (Vit Svoboda, JILA, USA)
  • Need for speed: tracking molecular motion with light (Vit Svoboda, JILA, USA)
  • Simulating the photochemistry and photophysics of molecules (Basile Curchod, University of Bristol, UK)
  • Ultra-short pulses: generation and opportunities (Petr Slavicek, UCT Prague, Czech republic)
  • Time delays: from scattering to photo-ionization (Ulf Saalmann, MPI-PKS Dresden, Germany)
  • Time-resolved non-linear optical spectroscopy of molecular aggregates: A theoretical introduction (Tomáš Mančal, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)
  • Photo-induced excitation energy dynamics in photosynthetic antennas: What does it all mean? (Tomáš Mančal, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)
  • Cavity QED - From basic models to extreme regimes (Dominik Lentrodt, University of Freiburg, Germany)

To access the event's lecture slides and photos click here

IMPRS Summer School 2022: Harnack Haus, Berlin, August 29 - 31, 2022

The summer school lecture topics and lecturers are:

  • Overview lecture on machine learning (Marin Bukov, Sofia University, Bulgaria)
  • Quantum Simulators from first principles (Matthew Eiles, MPIPKS Dresden, Germany)
  • Trapped ion simulators (Joshi Manoj, Austrian Academy of Science, Austria)
  • Quantum simulation and quantum computing with trapped atoms (Shannon Whitlock, European Center for Quantum Sciences Strasbourg, France)
  • Superconducting qubits (Andreas Wallraff, ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
  • Ultracold quantum gas simulators (Waseem Bakr, Princeton University, United States of America)
  • Machine learning in quantum chemistry (Jan Herrmann, FU Berlin, Germany)
  • Machine learning in many-body physics (Markus Schmitt, University of Cologne, Germany)

IMPRS Summer School 2021: MPI-PKS, Dresden, September 1-3, 2021

The summer school lecture topics and lecturers are:

  • Non-Hermitian Topology: Fundamentals and Applications (Jan Budich - TU Dresden)
  • Some Novel Spectroscopic Methods in Condensed Matter (Claire Donnelly - University of Cambridge and MPI-CPfS Dresden)
  • Dynamics and Coulomb Interactions in Water and Hydrated Biomolecules (Thomas Elsaesser - Max Born Institute Berlin)
  • Topology and Transport in Magnetic Materials (Ingrid Mertig - University of Halle)
  • Quantum Computing on NISQ Devices and Applications in Many-Particle Physics (Adam Smith - University of Nottingham)
  • Topological Materials from a Modern Symmetry Perspective (Maia Vergniory - MPI-CPfS Dresden)

IMPRS Summer School 2019: Hotel Artus, Karpacz, September 2-4, 2019

The summer school lecture topics and lecturers are:

  • Strongly interacting metals (Debanjan Chowdhury - Cornell University)
  • Ordering in non-equilibrium steady states of driven dissipative quantum gases (André Eckardt - MPI-PKS)
  • Introduction to concepts and techniques for open quantum systems (Alex Eisfeld - MPI-PKS)
  • Ergodicity (Masud Haque - Maynooth University)
  • Non-Hermitian topological states of matter (Flore Kunst - Stockholm University)
  • Overview of non-equilibrium physics in many-body quantum systems (Marko Znidaric - University of Ljubljana)

 The lecture slides are available through this link.

IMPRS Summer School 2018: Villa Lanna, Prague, August 27-29, 2018

The summer school lecture topics and lecturers are:

  • Open Quantum Systems (Michael Thorwart - University of Hamburg)
  • Non-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics (Anael Ben-Asher - Technion)
  • Nuclear Quantum Effects in Molecular Systems (Ondrej Marsálek - Charles University)
  • Frontiers of Molecular Dynamics (Basile Curchod - University of Durham)
  • Energy Transfer Between Molecules (Tomáš Mancal - Charles University)
  • Machine Learning in Many-Body Physics (Zohar Ringel - Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

The lecture slides are available through this link.

Joint IMPRS Workshop: Dresden, April 3-7, 2017

The workshop is a joint initiative of four International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS):

The research focus of the four schools has an overlap in the fields of condensed matter and quantum technology. At the same time, the involved research groups approach the fields from different angles and with different emphasis.

The main aim of the workshop is to bring together PhD students of the four research schools. In addition to talks covering various research topics within the theme of the workshop, ample time will be provided for direct interaction between all participants, creating a stimulating environment for discussions.

The program comprises invited talks, as well as several presentations by PhD students and a poster session. Read more.

For schools and workshops from the IMPRS for dynamical processes in atoms, molecules and solids, see here.

For events before 2011, see our old pages.