Journal Club
The Journal Club talks are held at MPI-PKS (Nöthnitzer Straße 38, 01187 Dresden) and given by IMPRS PhD students.
2022-Jan-20 | Sreeja Loho Choudhury, TU Dresden Solving the Time-Dependent Schrodinger Equation Using Coherent States |
2021-Nov-18 | Dominik Hahn, MPI-PKS Introduction to Many-Body Localization |
2021-Oct-21 | Sreejith Chulliparambil, TU Dresden The Haldane Phase and SPTs in 1D |
2021-Jan-28 | Nikos Stefanidis, MPI-PKS Off Diagonal Long Range Order/Topological Ground State Degeneracy in FQH States |
2020-Oct-29 | Suraj Hegde, MPI-PKS Bosonization and the Coupled Wire Method |
2020-Sep-24 | Robin Schäfer, MPI-PKS The Spin One-Half Kagome Antiferromagnet |
2020-Aug-27 | Oles Matsyshyn, MPI-PKS Lattice Geometry and the Haldane Honeycomb Model |
2020-Jul-30 | Jun Yong Khoo, MPI-PKS The Luttinger Theorem |
2020-Jun-25 | Laura Baez, MPI-PKS Numerics and Physics from a Computational Complexity Perspective |
2020-May-28 | Srivatsa Nagara Srinivasa Prasanna, MPI-PKS The Lieb-Schultz-Mattis Theorem |
2020-Apr-23 | Ruben Lier, MPI-PKS The Chiral Anomaly in Condensed Matter |
2020-Jan-30 | Santanu Dey, TU Dresden The Imry-Ma Argument: Random Field Instability of Ordered States with Continuous Symmetry |
2019-Dec-05 | Luis Andres Colmenarez Gomez, MPI-PKS Anderson Localization |
2019-Oct-24 | Sebastián Felipe Mantilla Serrano, MPI-PKS Diagonalization of Quadratic Boson and Fermion Hamiltonians |
2019-Jul-11 | Koen van Kruining, MPI-PKS Weak Measurements, Superkicks and Superoscillations |
2019-Jun-20 | Soumi Dutta, MPI-PKS High Harmonic Generations |
2019-May-16 | Peng Rao, MPI-PKS The Supersymmetry Trick for Disordered Systems |
2019-Mar-14 | Aidan Wastiaux, MPI-PKS Majorana Fermions in Topological Heterostructures |
2019-Feb-26 | Alex Schnell, MPI-PKS Nonequilibrium Field Theory |
2018-Dec-11 | Andras Szabo, MPI-PKS RG for Semi-Metals |
2018-Nov-20 | Piotr Witkowski, MPI-PKS Holography, Hydrodynamics and Their Implications for Transport |
2018-Oct-19 | Matthias Gohlke, MPI-PKS The Kitaev Honeycomb Model |