Lectures: Winter Semester 2023/24

The 2023/24 winter semester runs from October 1st 2023 - March 31st 2024. Lectures run from October 9th 2023 to December 20th 2023 and again from January 4th to February 3rd 2024.

General Lectures


Many-Body Quantum Dynamics

lecturer: Dr. M. Bukov / Dr. P. Claeys / Prof. Dr. R. Moessner

Tuesday, Thursday: 13:00 - 14:30


Seminar Room 1-3 (SR1-3), Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Noethnitzer Str 38, Dresden 01187 

content: Introduction to modern quantum many-body dynamics, covering foundations (quantum chaos and quench dynamics) and advanced topics (many-body localization, driving and Floquet engineering, time crystals, quantum circuits). A small supervised research component, with projects including very recent developments, is an important part of the course.
start: October, 10th
lecture: Theoretical Quantum Optics
lecturer: Prof. Dr. Walter Strunz (TUD)
time: Lecture: Tuesday 11:10 - 12:40, Thursday 13:00 - 14:30;
Tutorial: Thursday 13:00 - 14:30
location: BZW/A120
content: 1. Introduction 2. Light and its quantization 3. Quantum states of light, coherence, detection 4. Matter-light interaction and simple models thereof 5. Irreversible processes, master equations 6. Cavity QED and applications
start: October, 10th
lecture: Quantum Information Theory
lecturer: Dr. G. Schaller / Prof. Dr. R. Schützhold
time: Mondays, Tuesdays 14:50-16:20
location: BZW A 120

In winter semester 2023/24 I will offer a lecture on quantum information theory

topics include

  • Quantum states, correlations, entropy and entanglement
  • Quantum communication
  • Quantum computation
  • Decoherence and Dissipation
  • Alternative quantum computers
  • Quantum Thermodynamics

Specialised Lectures

lecture: Foundations of Charge Particle Optics
lecturer: Prof. A. Lubk (TU Dresden)

Wednesday 16:40-18:10 



content: electric and magnetic fields in charge particle optics (CPO), Hamiltonian
equations of motion, paraxial approximation, aberrations, ray tracing, basic
elements (e.g., round lens, sector magnet) and modern applications (energy filter,
monochromator, electron microscope, focused ion beam)
start: October, 11th
lecture: Geometry and Topology in Quantum Physics
lecturer: Prof. Dr. J. Budich (TUD)
time and location: Lecture: Tuesday 2:50 - 4:20 PM room SE2/201 and
Wednesday 4:40 - 6:10 PM in room REC/B214,
additionally live via zoom
Tutorial: Wednesday gW. REC/B214
content: In this lecture, we discuss the role of geometry and topology in quantum physics. We start with a both phenomenological and formal treatment of geometric (Berry) phases. Building up on these concepts, we study in the framework of quantum many-body physics the theory of topological phases such as topological insulators and superconductors as well as Non-Hermitian topological phases.
lecture: Low temperature physics of quantum materials
lecturer: Prof. Dr. E. Hassinger (TUD)
time and location: 

Lecture: Tuesday 11:10 - 12:40 (REC/D16)
Tutorial: Monday 16:40 - 18:10 (REC/C118)

content: In this lecture, we will study the physics of fundamental quantum phenomena like Bose-Einstein condensation, Fermi liquid and superfluidity occurring in condensed matter systems at low temperature. We will also focus on different bulk experimental techniques used in low-temperature labs and what they can tell us.
lecture: Machine Learning
lecturer: Dr. P. Steinbach
time and location: 

Lecture: Friday 13:00 - 14:30 (REC/D16)
Tutorial: Thursay 13:00 - 14:30 (ASB/328)

content: Machine learning (ML) has become widespread in industry, technology and society in recent years. This spread has not even stopped at physics. In this lecture, the basics of modern ML are taught. The paradigms of supervised, self-supervised and unsupervised learning will be discussed. In addition to classical ML, we will also discuss the methods of Deep Learning in detail and conclude the lecture with generative approaches. The lecture aspires to deepen the subject taught using exercises and examples.
lecture: Path integral formalism for quantum matter  
lecturer: Dr. F. Nogueira / Prof. Dr. J. van den Brink 

Thursday 09:20-10:50



content: 1. Introduction to the path integral formalism 2. Bose systems (Bose-Einstein condensation, interacting Bose systems, Bose-Hubbard model, BKT transition) 3. Hubbard model 4. Effective quantum and classical magnetic systems 
lecture: Rydberg Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Ultracold Gases
lecturer: Dr. Matthew Eiles
time: Monday 11:10-12:40
location: MPI-PKS room 1D1

This course will survey topics in modern AMO theory with an emphasis on applications in Rydberg systems, including:

  • Interactions in ultracold gases
  • Bose-Einstein condensates
  • Multichannel scattering theory (in particular, multichannel quantum defect theory used for complex Rydberg spectra)
  • Adiabatic methods for nonseparable quantum problems
  • Supersymmetric quantum mechanics
  • Atoms in external fields
  • ...and much more.

The course will introduce several different theoretical and numerical approaches to solving problems in AMO theory. Most of the key concepts will be taught using modern research problems as a basis.

Background experience in quantum mechanics, mathematical methods, and computational physics will be assumed; background knowledge in AMO physics will be helpful but topics will be taught without relying on too much background knowledge.

start: October, 9th
lecture: Superconductivity II
lecturer: Prof. B. Büchner / Dr. H.-J. Grafe

Monday 11:10-12:40


IFW B3E.26

content: Intro, Phenomena, type I / II; G-L-theory; Conventional / unconventional SC, s-wave,
d-wave…, conventional with high Tc; Intro/ Pnictides; Iron pnictides: Magnetism vs.
Superconductivity; Cuprates; Competing orders in Cuprates; Order parameter in Cuprates;
New superconductors
start: October, 9th
lecture: The Physics of 2D Quantum Materials
lecturer: Prof. B. Büchner, Dr. A. Popov, Dr. U. Vool, Dr. N. Poccia, Dr. A. Koitzsch & Dr. L. Corredor Bohorquez

Monday 16:40-18:10


IFW D2E.27

content: When the available dimensionality of a system is reduced, its internal structure and
physical response can change drastically. 2D materials behave completely differently
from their 3D counterpart, and have given rise to a new class of semiconductors,
insulators, metals, magnets and superconductors. These materials can be tuned in
situ by electrical gating, and new materials can be created “by design” by stacking
different material layers, sparking significant interest for fundamental study of
condensed-matter physics and technological applications. This class will introduce
this novel field of study, focusing on several central subclasses of 2D quantum
• Graphene: massless electrons, ballistic transport, emergent effects in multilayers
• Transition metal dichalcogenides: layer dependence, spectroscopy, and topology
• 2D magnetism, antiferromagnets, and magnetic topological insulators
• 2D superconductivity
start: October, 9th
lecture: Ultrafast methods of solid state physics
lecturer: Prof. Dr. S. Kaiser

Wednesday 13:00 - 14:30



content: Laser, ultrashort laser pulses, puls characterisation,pump-probe spectroscopy, time resolved methods (optics incl. optical parametric amplifiers, THz, SHG/THG, ARPES, X-Rays, ...), electronic response in the solid state, coherent phonons, correlated systems, collective modes, optical control, light induced phase transitions, Higgs-spectroscopy